Did you know?
Focus on Computing
In our science unit, we have been learning about healthy humans. We have learnt about the skeleton, nutrients and muscles.
Science Experiment
We have been learning about rocks. We carried out an experiment to find out which rocks were porus, durable and if they float.
In Maths we have been making 3 digit numbers out of concrete resources.
In History this term we have been learning all about the Romans. Our question is; What did the Romans do for us? We have been carrying out lots of research to find out who they were and why they were so important. Throughout the unit we have looked at the Roman army, why they wanted to invade Britain, Boudicca and Roman Homes. We have compared the lives of Roman and Modern Britain throughout the unit.
Summer 1 Subject Snap Shot - Maths
In our Maths this half term, we have been learning all about time. We started looking at analogue clocks and telling the time to each minute, past and to the hour. We then moved our learning on to looking at digital clocks.
Subject Snap Shot - Science
In our Science Unit this half term we have been learning all about Plants. Our question is: How does your garden grow? We have recapped our prior learning from Year 2 and have looked at the basic functions of a flowering plant. Throughout our unit, we have been investigating each part of the plant starting with the function of the roots and stem. We have set up two investigations linked to the roots and stem and have observed the changes to the plants over a two-week period. In the Summer 2 term, our learning in English will be linked to our Science unit of plants where we will be writing an explanation texts all about caring for plants.
Subject Snap Shot – Maths
In our maths, we have been learning all about volume and capacity. Before starting the unit, we used our Thinking About Our Learning Board to revisit our prior learning from Year 2. We looked at what knowledge we already had about volume and capacity, the strategies that we could use to support our learning and the feelings that we had before starting our new unit. Here is a picture of our learning wall at the end of our unit.
Subject Snap Shot – RE Sikhism
This term in RE our focus is Sikhism. We were really lucky to have a visitor come in and talk to us all about the Sikh religion. We learnt lots of interesting facts that will support us with our learning throughout the unit.
This term our class novel is Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo. We are really enjoying reading it and it links to our English Unit of Adventure Stories.
A non-fiction book that we have enjoyed reading this term is the Little People Big Dreams Book about Albert Einstein. We have learnt lots of new and interesting facts about him.
We have been reading a range of poems from our I am the seed that grew a tree poetry book. There is a poem for each day of the year. We have enjoyed reading the January poems all about Winter.
Light, Light, Light!!
Our Science unit this term is all about light. We have explored light sources, reflective materials, shadows and the dangers of direct sunlight. We have carried out lots of Scientific enquiry using our learning power of collaboration to do this.
An investigation that we really enjoyed was exploring what materials let light travel through. We found that transparent objects let light travel through but opaque objects do not let light travel through. Did you know that translucent objects let some light travel through however the light scattered.
Subject Snap Shot – Science
In our Science this week we have carried out a fair test to answer a Scientific Question. We wanted to find out if the surface on a ramp affected the distance that an object will travel. We looked at five different surfaces, plastic, wood, rubber, carpet and sandpaper. After our investigation, we found that the object travelled the furthest distance on the wood and it travelled the least distance on the rubber. This was because on a rough surface there is more friction which caused the object to slow down.
Subject Snap Shot – Computing
In our Computing unit this term we have been looking at branching data base. Here is some of our learning.
In our English unit, we have been reading a range of adventure stories. One of our favourites has been the Adventure at Sandy Cove. We have story mapped the story to help us to learn it and then this will help us when we come to writing our very own adventure stroy at the end of the unit.
In our DT unit, we looked at designing and making healthy sandwiches. We carried out market research and taste tests to help us. We chose between making sandwiches, wraps and pittas.
In our math's this week we have been looking at perimeter. We used art straws to model finding the perimeter of a shape.
We looked at perimeter in the real world and talked about how a footballer would run around the perimeter of a football pitch to warm up.
In our computing will used role play to demonstrate how computers on the same network send messages and save them on the server
Subject Snap Shot - History Vocabulary
Here is the vocabulary year 3 will be focusing on in our History unit about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.
Did you know?
Focus on Computing
In our science unit, we have been learning about healthy humans. We have learnt about the skeleton, nutrients and muscles.
Science Experiment
We have been learning about rocks. We carried out an experiment to find out which rocks were porus, durable and if they float.
In Maths we have been making 3 digit numbers out of concrete resources.
In History this term we have been learning all about the Romans. Our question is; What did the Romans do for us? We have been carrying out lots of research to find out who they were and why they were so important. Throughout the unit we have looked at the Roman army, why they wanted to invade Britain, Boudicca and Roman Homes. We have compared the lives of Roman and Modern Britain throughout the unit.
Summer 1 Subject Snap Shot - Maths
In our Maths this half term, we have been learning all about time. We started looking at analogue clocks and telling the time to each minute, past and to the hour. We then moved our learning on to looking at digital clocks.
Subject Snap Shot - Science
In our Science Unit this half term we have been learning all about Plants. Our question is: How does your garden grow? We have recapped our prior learning from Year 2 and have looked at the basic functions of a flowering plant. Throughout our unit, we have been investigating each part of the plant starting with the function of the roots and stem. We have set up two investigations linked to the roots and stem and have observed the changes to the plants over a two-week period. In the Summer 2 term, our learning in English will be linked to our Science unit of plants where we will be writing an explanation texts all about caring for plants.
Subject Snap Shot – Maths
In our maths, we have been learning all about volume and capacity. Before starting the unit, we used our Thinking About Our Learning Board to revisit our prior learning from Year 2. We looked at what knowledge we already had about volume and capacity, the strategies that we could use to support our learning and the feelings that we had before starting our new unit. Here is a picture of our learning wall at the end of our unit.
Subject Snap Shot – RE Sikhism
This term in RE our focus is Sikhism. We were really lucky to have a visitor come in and talk to us all about the Sikh religion. We learnt lots of interesting facts that will support us with our learning throughout the unit.
This term our class novel is Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo. We are really enjoying reading it and it links to our English Unit of Adventure Stories.
A non-fiction book that we have enjoyed reading this term is the Little People Big Dreams Book about Albert Einstein. We have learnt lots of new and interesting facts about him.
We have been reading a range of poems from our I am the seed that grew a tree poetry book. There is a poem for each day of the year. We have enjoyed reading the January poems all about Winter.
Light, Light, Light!!
Our Science unit this term is all about light. We have explored light sources, reflective materials, shadows and the dangers of direct sunlight. We have carried out lots of Scientific enquiry using our learning power of collaboration to do this.
An investigation that we really enjoyed was exploring what materials let light travel through. We found that transparent objects let light travel through but opaque objects do not let light travel through. Did you know that translucent objects let some light travel through however the light scattered.
Subject Snap Shot – Science
In our Science this week we have carried out a fair test to answer a Scientific Question. We wanted to find out if the surface on a ramp affected the distance that an object will travel. We looked at five different surfaces, plastic, wood, rubber, carpet and sandpaper. After our investigation, we found that the object travelled the furthest distance on the wood and it travelled the least distance on the rubber. This was because on a rough surface there is more friction which caused the object to slow down.
Subject Snap Shot – Computing
In our Computing unit this term we have been looking at branching data base. Here is some of our learning.
In our English unit, we have been reading a range of adventure stories. One of our favourites has been the Adventure at Sandy Cove. We have story mapped the story to help us to learn it and then this will help us when we come to writing our very own adventure stroy at the end of the unit.
In our DT unit, we looked at designing and making healthy sandwiches. We carried out market research and taste tests to help us. We chose between making sandwiches, wraps and pittas.
In our math's this week we have been looking at perimeter. We used art straws to model finding the perimeter of a shape.
We looked at perimeter in the real world and talked about how a footballer would run around the perimeter of a football pitch to warm up.
In our computing will used role play to demonstrate how computers on the same network send messages and save them on the server
Subject Snap Shot - History Vocabulary
Here is the vocabulary year 3 will be focusing on in our History unit about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.
Did you know?
Focus on Computing
In our science unit, we have been learning about healthy humans. We have learnt about the skeleton, nutrients and muscles.
Science Experiment
We have been learning about rocks. We carried out an experiment to find out which rocks were porus, durable and if they float.
In Maths we have been making 3 digit numbers out of concrete resources.
In History this term we have been learning all about the Romans. Our question is; What did the Romans do for us? We have been carrying out lots of research to find out who they were and why they were so important. Throughout the unit we have looked at the Roman army, why they wanted to invade Britain, Boudicca and Roman Homes. We have compared the lives of Roman and Modern Britain throughout the unit.
Summer 1 Subject Snap Shot - Maths
In our Maths this half term, we have been learning all about time. We started looking at analogue clocks and telling the time to each minute, past and to the hour. We then moved our learning on to looking at digital clocks.
Subject Snap Shot - Science
In our Science Unit this half term we have been learning all about Plants. Our question is: How does your garden grow? We have recapped our prior learning from Year 2 and have looked at the basic functions of a flowering plant. Throughout our unit, we have been investigating each part of the plant starting with the function of the roots and stem. We have set up two investigations linked to the roots and stem and have observed the changes to the plants over a two-week period. In the Summer 2 term, our learning in English will be linked to our Science unit of plants where we will be writing an explanation texts all about caring for plants.
Subject Snap Shot – Maths
In our maths, we have been learning all about volume and capacity. Before starting the unit, we used our Thinking About Our Learning Board to revisit our prior learning from Year 2. We looked at what knowledge we already had about volume and capacity, the strategies that we could use to support our learning and the feelings that we had before starting our new unit. Here is a picture of our learning wall at the end of our unit.
Subject Snap Shot – RE Sikhism
This term in RE our focus is Sikhism. We were really lucky to have a visitor come in and talk to us all about the Sikh religion. We learnt lots of interesting facts that will support us with our learning throughout the unit.
This term our class novel is Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo. We are really enjoying reading it and it links to our English Unit of Adventure Stories.
A non-fiction book that we have enjoyed reading this term is the Little People Big Dreams Book about Albert Einstein. We have learnt lots of new and interesting facts about him.
We have been reading a range of poems from our I am the seed that grew a tree poetry book. There is a poem for each day of the year. We have enjoyed reading the January poems all about Winter.
Light, Light, Light!!
Our Science unit this term is all about light. We have explored light sources, reflective materials, shadows and the dangers of direct sunlight. We have carried out lots of Scientific enquiry using our learning power of collaboration to do this.
An investigation that we really enjoyed was exploring what materials let light travel through. We found that transparent objects let light travel through but opaque objects do not let light travel through. Did you know that translucent objects let some light travel through however the light scattered.
Subject Snap Shot – Science
In our Science this week we have carried out a fair test to answer a Scientific Question. We wanted to find out if the surface on a ramp affected the distance that an object will travel. We looked at five different surfaces, plastic, wood, rubber, carpet and sandpaper. After our investigation, we found that the object travelled the furthest distance on the wood and it travelled the least distance on the rubber. This was because on a rough surface there is more friction which caused the object to slow down.
Subject Snap Shot – Computing
In our Computing unit this term we have been looking at branching data base. Here is some of our learning.
In our English unit, we have been reading a range of adventure stories. One of our favourites has been the Adventure at Sandy Cove. We have story mapped the story to help us to learn it and then this will help us when we come to writing our very own adventure stroy at the end of the unit.
In our DT unit, we looked at designing and making healthy sandwiches. We carried out market research and taste tests to help us. We chose between making sandwiches, wraps and pittas.
In our math's this week we have been looking at perimeter. We used art straws to model finding the perimeter of a shape.
We looked at perimeter in the real world and talked about how a footballer would run around the perimeter of a football pitch to warm up.
In our computing will used role play to demonstrate how computers on the same network send messages and save them on the server
Subject Snap Shot - History Vocabulary
Here is the vocabulary year 3 will be focusing on in our History unit about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.