Newsletters and Letters
Newsletters and Letters
Key Information
Key Information
Learning Zone
Learning Zone

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Marsden Community Primary School 

In September 2021, Marsden Community Primary School and Lomeshaye Junior School formed a collaboration. As outward facing schools, this has been an exciting time as through collaboration we are able to share expertise, high quality practise and strategic vision in order to ensure sustainable school improvement. This has a direct impact on raising the quality of learning and teaching which in turn impacts on improving learning outcomes for all groups of learners. There is a ‘lived’, embedded learning culture with consistent pedagogical approaches. Staff are fully open to all professional learning opportunities and learners are able to talk about themselves and the learning process as they are encouraged to think with a Growth Mindset and enter the Learning Zone.

Members of staff are recognised as Leaders at all levels who are focussed not only on academic achievement but on developing learners in terms of their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. Learners access a bespoke, deep and enriched curriculum which is layered and progressive within and across years focussing on skills, knowledge, vocabulary as well as habits of mind (Learning Powers) to create well rounded citizens for the 21st Century. Learners are actively involved in the process of learning - recalling prior learning, feelings, strategies and considering the planning, monitoring and evaluating process of learning. We are passionate that all groups of learners, including SEN/d and the most disadvantaged, receive the highest quality learning and teaching with enriched experiences bringing the outside world in to develop Cultural Capital. Senior Leaders are dedicated to the professional development and well being of all staff with high quality training and support provided for all.

By building and fostering strong home and school links we work collaboratively with parents to guide and educate our learners to be academically, socially and personally successful. We raise aspirations through making real life links and value contributions learners and their families make in the local and wider community.

Our classrooms are first and foremost safe, inclusive environments in which to learn, take risks and make Fantastic Mistakes. Everyone is valued and accepted. Links with other schools support our commitment to equality and diversity. Education is a lifelong journey. It is our role to prepare our learners with the values, experiences, transferable skills and attitudes to enable them to make this journey a valuable one during which they can keep themselves and others safe and deal positively with any challenges they may face along the way.  We hope this website will provide you with an insight into all that we can offer. Thank you for choosing to send your child/children to our school.   

 The Marsden Leadership Team

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Updated Content

Spring Term 2: Curriculum Letters and Overview Updates
28/02/2025 12:00 AM
Learning Zone Updates for Spring 1
14/02/2025 12:00 AM

Scroll past the Curriculum Letter and Overview for Spring 2, then take a look at what each year group had been doing and learning through the first half of the Spring Term:

 Nursery     EYFS     Year 1     Year 2     Year 3     Year 4     Year 5     Year 6

School Newsletter - for March
28/03/2025 12:00 AM

Click  to take a look at what has been happening in March, and find out what is planned-for when School reopens after the holiday.

Reading Recommendations for World Book Day and beyond...
21/03/2025 12:00 AM

Reading Recommendations for World Book Day and beyond...

Watch a collection of video shorts with recommendations for a good read from Learners in:

Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5.


Online Safety Newsletter - March Edition
1/03/2025 12:00 AM

March Edition - Online Safety Newsletter with information and articles on:

"The impact of smartphones"

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


“Talk PANTS with the NSPCC”

Lego Arcade


Stars Messenger App


Followed by: 

*Safer Internet Day (Feb 11th) - Newsletter discussing, ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’

There is an archive of all previous monthly Online Safety Newsletters, School's Online Safety Policy and a "Guide to Parental Controls." 

Spring Term 2: Curriculum Letters and Overview Updates
28/02/2025 12:00 AM
Learning Zone Updates for Spring 1
14/02/2025 12:00 AM

Scroll past the Curriculum Letter and Overview for Spring 2, then take a look at what each year group had been doing and learning through the first half of the Spring Term:

 Nursery     EYFS     Year 1     Year 2     Year 3     Year 4     Year 5     Year 6

School Newsletter - for March
28/03/2025 12:00 AM

Click  to take a look at what has been happening in March, and find out what is planned-for when School reopens after the holiday.

Reading Recommendations for World Book Day and beyond...
21/03/2025 12:00 AM

Reading Recommendations for World Book Day and beyond...

Watch a collection of video shorts with recommendations for a good read from Learners in:

Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5.


Learning Powers Explained

Curiosity in Reception

Want to know more?

Imagination in Year 1

Want to know more?

Perseverance in Year 2


Want to know more?

A Motivating Presentation by Year 3
Want to know more?

Click below for a presentation by Year 4 about new skills & confidence through Imitation of good role models

Collaboration in Year 5.

Reflection in 6M

Empathy in 6S